
SM 2018

The chair for architectural theory is operated within the framework of the architectural faculty of the Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck and employs an excellent programme for advanced studies and research ranging from substantial cultural theories to essential scientific, curative and media skills in the realm of architecture, city and landscape. On that scope, prospective architects gain professional expertise in the conceptual and communicative aspects of architecture whereas complementary education programmes are offered to support future careers that reflect in particular the cultural challenges of architecture: to be found in the field of architectural theory, architectural history and architectural journalism. As a consequence, the chair employs an academic programme based on specific projects which aim to engage with books, exhibitions, websites etc. while enhancing to carry forward individual theoretical substance in the phase of realisation.
The programmatic conception of the course is of central importance, bringing architecture into an operative relationship with urbanity and landscape. Through a wide range of lectures, seminars and projects, the course provides the close examination of essential theoretical treatises and debates in architecture. It recognises first and foremost differentiated modes of how theoreticians have perceived the complex interrelation of architecture, urbanity and landscape, thus drawing on the unique reflections of social, philosophical and cultural concepts in architecture.

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